Disruptive and forward-looking opportunities for competitive and sustainable aquaculture

Work Packages

Work Package 1 – Joint Roadmap and Investment Plan

Lead Partner
Work Package Leader
Philippe Monbet
Contact details


WP1 aims at capitalising on the knowledge of Cluster organisations and business networks in collaboration with innovation/ research actors and regional/national authorities to conduct a thorough and strategic sectoral analysis of needs and development opportunities for a medium to long-term (5-10 years) in the EU Atlantic Basin. Equally, the WP intends to set out the necessary actions and milestones to achieve the Roadmap’s objectives and coordinate and pool investments for its implementation. In order to do so, strategic policy, business intelligence and environmental sustainability will be deeply embedded into the Joint Vision and Roadmap, affecting ensuing business models.

Work Package 2 – Demonstration Projects

Lead Partner
Work Package Leader
Luis Lozano
Contact details


WP2 has the objective of engaging SMEs along the EU Atlantic basin to bring forward projects to commercially exploit opportunities combining sustainable aquaculture, invertebrate production and smart waste management, contributing to the common macro-regional RIS3 priorities, Blue Growth and the Circular Economy. The objective is to identify and select the three most promising projects to facilitate the creation of PPPs. The development of the projects (TRL>5) and promotion for investment, up-scaling and transfer are dealt with in WP3. Through the organisation of an open contest, this WP focuses on engaging SMEs to present innovative solutions along the master lines described in WP1, with the objective of selecting the most adequate and promising projects for the capacity building process described in WP3, around which the consortium, together with other relevant stakeholders, will facilitate suitable PPPs for commercial implementation within 2 to 10 years.

Work Package 3 – Capacity Building and Investment Readiness Process

Lead Partner
Fórum Oceano
Work Package Leader
Carla Domingues
Contact details


WP3 will boost and bring to investment readiness level the three winning projects selected under WP2, with tailored capacity building and access to investment support services. The PPPs created as a result of WP2 activities will be assisted to develop the projects until they are ready to be pitched to additional investors and put into action. The capacity building process will include coaching, mentoring and specific support services that will be delivered through technical assistance vouchers. Special attention will be given to the development of pitching skills, with the aim of facilitating the attraction of additional investment when needed by the demonstration projects. Overall, the activities of this program will have a clear effect on increasing the viability of the projects and will significantly improve the effectiveness of technology transfer process from research and academia to industry, including cross-cutting adaptation of advance carried out elsewhere.

Work Package 4 – Communication and Dissemination

Lead Partner
Work Package Leader
Alberto Vallejo
Contact details


WP4 aims at raising the awareness on the tackled challenge and informing the target groups (regions, clusters, business networks, research centres, industry, the general public and non-participating audiences) of the proposed solutions under this project. It also aims at ensuring the highest visibility of project activities and results through a targeted networking and collaboration with stakeholders involved in the rest of projects financed under this call for proposal and with other complementary projects in order to create synergies, exchange good practices and foster mutual learning effectively. Additionally, the WP pursues the objective of engaging stakeholders in the project activities: to a) fine-tune the joint vision and create a realistic and feasible roadmap under WP1 and b) to encourage the participation of SMEs and researchers in the open contest under WP2.

Work Package 5 – Coordination and Management

Lead Partner
Work Package Leader
Silvia Sarria Sánchez
Contact details


WP5 will ensure that the project is carried out according to the time schedule and budget and objectives are achieved efficiently.